How to Prepare for Your Home Renovation
Here’s your very own renovation process checklist to help you prepare:
Can you pay for the upfront costs of the entire construction? If you can’t, you may need to take out a construction loan to fund your home improvement project. Essentially, a construction loan is where you draw down the loan periodically based on the different stages of construction.
Temporary living arrangement and belongings
Are you doing a major renovation? Does it require you to move out? You may want to consider renting an apartment or staying with a friend or your extended family to avoid the ruckus of the construction. Additionally, you should think through where you’re going to store you belongings. Do you have an extra space in the house where you can store them, or should you rent a storage unit?
You may be renovating your kitchen, so where are you going to cook? With no kitchen it may be difficult to feed your family. So plan first on where you’re going to cook and eat before the kitchen renovation starts.
Builders and tradies
If you’re not going DIY, you will need builders and tradies to do the job for you. They will be an essential part of the home renovation team. When hiring, make sure to compare different builders and tradies by checking their previous work and asking for a complete quotation.
Design inspiration
What kind of style are you going for with your home renovation? Rustic? Bohemian? Contemporary? There are tons of different interior designs to choose from. Having an inspiration in mind before the renovation begins can help you and your team plan the colours, type of flooring, home accessories and more.
Goals can cover many things. It can be the deadline for the renovation project. It can be what you want to accomplish in the house such as an open plan living area, a walk-in closet, or a larger kitchen. Whatever it is, a goal can help you achieve your renovation plan a lot more easily.
Renovating is an exciting but arduous experience but with a little bit of planning you can have the updated home you always wanted.