Announced today to participating brokers, the latest results from Agile Market Intelligence’s 2024 Third-Party Lending survey of residential mortgage brokers indicate that Firstmac has the strongest third-party channel offering among the 5 large non-banks included in the survey.

Firstmac received a rating of 74 per cent of the maximum score across the 17 attributes measured in the annual survey conducted between March and May 2024, which explored each lender’s products, personnel, speed, support and technology.

This is the sixth time in a row Firstmac was measured in the survey and to receive such a result is a massive achievement according to Agile Market Intelligence’s commercial director, Oliver Stofka.

Mr Stofka said: “It has been great to see these results come through for Firstmac, they have set a high standard for themselves over the last six years and have kept their quality to brokers and these results are proof of that consistency”

The annual survey of mortgage and finance brokers asked participants to rate the performance of the lenders that they have worked with over the last 12 months. This year, 1,001 mortgage brokers completed the survey, providing a wide variety of views and experiences in the process.

The results of the annual survey paint a holistic picture of the performance of all lenders in the third-party lending channel and provide insights to lenders on how they can improve their proposition in the marketplace while informing brokers of those lenders outperforming others.